Cross Over Basketball Camp
Košarka je na prostorima Balkana jedan od najpopularnijih, ali i najrazvijenijih sportova. Košarkaška tradicija je bogata, a trofeji koje su osvajali i još uvek osvajaju košarkaši iz bivše Jugoslavije, njenih naslednica i Grčke teško da se mogu prebrojati.
Tu tradiciju treba čuvati prenoseći znanje generacijama koje dolaze.
Naš program u prvi plan stavlja pravilan razvoj mladih košarkaša. Zbog toga želimo da okupimo trenere i decu sa prostora svih zemalja Balkana, bile one“ košarkaške“ ili bez velike tradicije u ovom sportu. Jer od svakog nešto može da se nauči. Želimo da treneri i deca međusobno sarađuju i da toleranciju prevaziđu i pretvore je u prijateljstvo. Sa jedne strane te veze pomažu da se stalnom razmenom iskustava, konstantno podiže kvalitet rada sa decom i mladima, kao i kvalitet dečijih međusobnih odnosa. Jer stvaranje prijateljstava je temelj za svkaog mladog čoveka, jer ukoliko ima dobre veze sa ljudima, one će mu pomoći bez obzira da li se on sutra bavio košarkom ili ne.
Razmena iskustava iz različitih sredina doprinosi bržem podizanju kvaliteta. Bez obzira na oprečna mišljenja o postojanju Jadranske lige, ona je podigla kvalitet rezultata. Znamo da je Partizan igrao final four, da je Cibona redovni učesnik Evrolige, da Olimpija osvaja trofej na čelu sa našim košarkaškim stručnjakom, Džikićem, da je BJR Makedonija bila četvrta na Evropskom prvenstvu…
Sa druge strane imamo fudbal i totalno odsustvo saradnje, pa za svaku od zemalja bivše Jugoslavije, i sam ulazak kluba u neko evropsko takmičenje predstavlja ogroman uspeh. O trofejima se i ne sanja.
Naša ideja je saradnja, ali i pravilan razvoj mladih košarkaša.
Nažalost mnogi treneri danas, u želji da pred roditeljima, koji su danas glavni finansijeri mladih selekcija, opravdaju svoj rad, stvaraju „dečjie šampione“. To znači da se ispred pravilnog razvoja mladog košarkaša, što bi trebao da bude glavni motiv trenera, stavljaju rezultati u mlađim kategorijama, koji treba da opravdaju uložena sredstva roditelja, ali i da ih podstaknu na dalja ulaganja.
Nažalost do tih rezultata se često stiže prečicama. Koriste se deca koja su ranije ušla u pubertet, toleriše se nepravilan šut, jer u datom trenutku donosi rezultat, toleriše se nedolično ponašanje dece koja donose rezultat, zanemaruju se deca koja iako pravilno rade ali još nisu dostigla tražene fizičke predispozicije. Mnogo je još primera. I šta se dešava kada deca dođu u juniorski i seniorski uzrast. „Rane pubertetlije“ brzo budu dostignute, najčešće i prestignute od svojih vršnjaka, razočaraju se i u najvećem broju slučajeva odustaju od košarke. Korisnici nepravilnog šuta shvate da je on neefikasan u situaciji kada su svi fizčki izjednačeni i kada se jedino pravilnim izbačajem postiže dovoljan broj poena, oni kojima je tolerisano „ponašanje“ imaju problem sa socijalizacijom… I tako dečiji šampioni ostaju dečiji, i nikada ne postanu kvalitetni igrači u seniorskom uzrastu, kada u stvari i treba da budu šampioni. Jer ko sem roditelja, baka i deka, pamti dečije šampione?
Mi želimo da pomognemo trenerima i deci da shvate da je važno da deca nauče da budu šampioni onda kada je za to vreme, da iako ne postanu šampioni, postanu stabilne i emocionalno zdrave ličnosti, da je pravilan razvoj deteta ono što je najvažnije, da roditeljima treba objasniti da njihova deca treba postepeno i polako da se razvijaju, a da u tom uzrastu rezultata treba da bude u drugom planu, da deca ne treba košarku da shvataju kao „biti ili ne biti“ već kao jednu lepu igru, što ona i jeste.
Dođite da se igramo, učimo i da postanemo pravi šampioni.
FLAJER 2018:
Basketball is one of the most popular, but also the most developed sport on the Balkans. Basketball tradition is rich, and the trophies that were won and are still winning by players from the former Yugoslavia and its successors and Greece can hardly be counted.
This tradition should be kept by transferring knowledge for generations to come.
Our program emphasizes the proper development of young players. That’s why we want to bring together coaches and children from the area of the Balkan and European countries, no meter if they are “basketball nations“ or without great tradition in this sport. Because, something can be learned from any person. We want that coaches and children work together and overcome tolerance and turn it into a friendship. On the one hand, these connections helping continuous exchange of experiences, constantly improves the quality of work with children and young people, and the quality of children’s relationships. Making friends is the foundation for every young man, because if they have good connections with people, they will help him whether he played basketball tomorrow or not.
Exchange of experiences from different backgrounds contributes to a faster improvement of quality. Regardless of the conflicting opinions about the existence of the Adriatic League, it has raised the quality of the results. We know that Partizan played the final four, that Cibona is a regular participant in the Euro league, Olimpija won trophy led by Serbian basketball expert, Džikić , the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia was fourth at the European Championships …
On the other hand, we have football and total lack of co-operation, so for each club of the countries of the former Yugoslavia, entering in a European competition is a huge success. A trophies they do not dream off.
Our idea is cooperation, but also proper development of young players.
Unfortunately, many coaches today, in order to impress parents, who are the major funders of youth teams, justify their work by creating a „children champions “ This means that in the front of the proper development of young players, which should be the main motivation of coach, they put the results in the junior categories, which should justify the invested assets of parents, but also to encourage them for further investments.
Unfortunately, these results are often achieved through shortcuts. By using children who have reached puberty earlier, technically inadequate shot is tolerated, misbehavior of children who bring a result is tolerated, children who, although working properly but have not yet reached the required physical qualities are neglected. There are many more examples. And what happens when the kids come in junior and senior age? „Early adolescent“ who soon be reached and most often overtaken by their peers, are disappointed in most cases to give up basketball. Users of irregular shot realize that it is ineffective in a situation where all athletes are physically, those whose „behavior” tolerated have a problem with socialization … So kids champions remain children and never become good players in the senior age, when in fact they need to be champions . And who except parents or grandparents, remembered children champs?
We want to help coaches and children to understand that it is important that children learn to be champions at right time, though ones that does not become champions, become stable and emotionally healthy persons, to explain to parents that the proper and gradual development of the child what is most important , and that development is a long process, and at this age the results should be in the background, that the kids do not need to understand basketball as „to be or not to be“ but rather as a beautiful game, as it is .
Come with us to play, learn and become true champions.